Bài mẫu & từ vựng topic Toys – IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3

Chủ đề Toys không chỉ gợi nhớ về những kỷ niệm tuổi thơ mà còn mở ra nhiều góc nhìn thú vị trong bài thi IELTS Speaking. Từ việc miêu tả món đồ chơi yêu thích, đến việc thảo luận về vai trò của đồ chơi trong phát triển trẻ em và xã hội hiện đại, bạn sẽ có nhiều cơ hội để thể hiện khả năng ngôn ngữ của mình. Bài viết này của Mc IELTS sẽ mang đến cho bạn những câu hỏi và bài mẫu đa dạng thuộc topic IELTS Speaking Topic Toys, kèm theo từ vựng hữu ích, giúp bạn tự tin hơn khi chinh phục chủ đề này. Hãy cùng khám phá và trang bị cho mình những kiến thức cần thiết để ghi điểm ấn tượng!

Key takeaway
Câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Toys Part 1:

  • What was your favorite toy in childhood?
  • What are the benefits of children playing toys?
  • Should parents buy many toys for their children?
  • What are the disadvantages of children playing toys?
  • In your country, do boys and girls play with the same types of toys?

Câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Topic Toys Part 2:

  • Describe an indoor game in your childhood
  • Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

Câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Part 3 Toys:

  • Why do some parents buy a lot of toys for their children?
  • Is there peer pressure among children to have the same toys or clothes as their friends?
  • What is the difference between toys kids play with now and those they played with in the past?
  • Do you think boys and girls like the same toys?
  • Have the toys for children changed over the last few decades?
  • Do you think games and toys are educational for children?
  • Should advertising aim at kids be prohibited?
  • How do advertisements influence children?
  • What should be considered when buying toys for children?
  • Do you see the fact that children are targeted by many companies as potential consumers spoil their childhood?

Những từ vựng phổ biến nhất trong topic Toys IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, 3.

Question and answer topic IELTS Speaking Toys

Một số câu hỏi chủ đề Toys IELTS Speaking

Đề thi và câu trả lời mẫu topic IELTS Speaking topic Toys Part 1

Khi nói về chủ đề IELTS Speaking Toys Part 1, bạn sẽ được khơi gợi những kỷ niệm tuổi thơ hoặc thảo luận về sở thích cá nhân. Làm thế nào để trả lời một cách tự nhiên, cuốn hút mà vẫn thể hiện được sự trưởng thành trong cách nhìn nhận về đồ chơi? Các model answer dưới đây sẽ giúp bạn khám phá cách tiếp cận thông minh và sáng tạo, đồng thời giúp bạn ghi điểm ngay từ những câu hỏi đầu tiên. Hãy cùng tìm hiểu và chuẩn bị thật tốt trong quá trình luyện Speaking IELTS để tạo ấn tượng với giám khảo nhé!

Model answer chủ đề Toys IELTS Speaking Part 1

Sample answer topic IELTS Speaking Toys Part 1

What was your favorite toy in childhood?

Oh, my favorite toy was definitely my Lego set. I loved the freedom it gave me to build anything I could imagine, from castles to spaceships. It was the kind of toy that kept me engaged for hours, sparking my creativity and problem-solving skills. Even now, thinking about it brings back some really fond memories.

Từ vựng:

What are the benefits of children playing with toys?

Playing with toys offers numerous benefits for children. It helps develop their creativity and imagination, especially with open-ended toys like blocks or dolls. Toys also play a crucial role in improving motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Additionally, they can teach children valuable social skills when they play with others, such as sharing and cooperation.

Từ vựng:

Should parents buy many toys for their children?

Well, I think it’s more about quality than quantity when it comes to toys. A few well-chosen, versatile toys can offer more learning and entertainment value than a room full of toys that a child might not even use. Too many toys can be overwhelming for a child and might even stifle their imagination. It’s better to choose toys that encourage creativity and development rather than just collecting a lot of them.

Từ vựng:

Vocabulary overwhelming topic Toys

What are the disadvantages of children playing with toys?

One of the main disadvantages is that too much time spent on toys, especially those that don’t promote active play, can lead to a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, some toys, particularly those that are overly commercialized or tied to screen time, can limit a child’s creativity. There’s also the risk of dependency, where a child might rely too much on toys for entertainment instead of engaging in other important activities like outdoor play or reading. Lastly, having too many toys can lead to clutter and a lack of appreciation for what they have.

Từ vựng:

In your country, do boys and girls play with the same types of toys?

Traditionally, boys and girls in my country have played with different types of toys, influenced by societal norms and marketing. Boys are often given cars, action figures, and construction sets, while girls might receive dolls, kitchen sets, or craft kits. However, this is gradually changing, with more parents and educators encouraging children to play with a variety of toys regardless of gender. The focus is increasingly on letting kids explore what interests them, rather than sticking to gender-specific toys.

Từ vựng:

Vocabulary societal norm topic Toys

Đề thi và câu trả lời mẫu topic IELTS Speaking topic Toys Part 2

Trong chủ đề Toys IELTS Speaking Part 2, khi được yêu cầu nói về một món đồ chơi đáng nhớ, bạn sẽ phải kể lại câu chuyện gắn liền với món đồ chơi đó, đồng thời cũng sẽ có cơ hội thể hiện cảm xúc và suy nghĩ của mình về nó. Vậy làm sao để biến câu chuyện về một món đồ chơi từ quá khứ trở thành một bài nói đầy cảm xúc và ấn tượng? Những bài mẫu dưới đây sẽ hướng dẫn bạn cách xây dựng câu chuyện một cách mạch lạc, sinh động và cuốn hút, giúp bạn ghi điểm cao trong phần thi này. Hãy cùng khám phá và áp dụng ngay vào quá trình học Speaking IELTS Online của mình nhé!

Sample answer topic IELTS Speaking Toys Part 2

Model answer chủ đề Toys IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe an indoor game in your childhood

I’d like to begin by talking about an indoor game from my childhood that I fondly remember: playing chess with my grandfather. Chess was more than just a game for us; it was a special bonding activity that brought us closer and taught me valuable lessons.

I was around eight years old when my grandfather introduced me to chess. At first, the game seemed complex and intimidating, with all the different pieces and their unique moves. However, my grandfather was incredibly patient. He would explain the rules clearly, show me how to strategize, and even let me win a few games to boost my confidence. It wasn’t long before I started to understand the game better, and it quickly became a regular activity whenever we spent time together.

What made playing chess with my grandfather so special was not just the game itself, but the stories and life lessons he shared with me during those sessions. He would compare the moves in chess to decisions in life, emphasizing the importance of thinking ahead, being patient, and learning from mistakes. His gentle guidance made the game enjoyable and educational at the same time.

We played countless games over the years, and each one was a learning experience. I remember feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness every time I managed to beat him, which wasn’t often. Those victories felt like significant achievements, especially when he would smile proudly and tell me I was improving.

In conclusion, playing chess with my grandfather was a cherished part of my childhood. It was more than just an indoor game; it was a time of learning, bonding, and creating memories that I still hold dear.

Từ vựng:

Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

I’d like to talk about a toy from my childhood that I absolutely adored. It was a simple yet incredibly special item: a stuffed teddy bear named Teddy. I remember receiving Teddy as a gift from my grandmother when I was around five years old, and it quickly became my constant companion.

Firstly, what made Teddy so special wasn’t just its appearance, though it was very cute with its soft, brown fur and little bow tie. It was more about the comfort and companionship it provided. Whenever I felt lonely or scared, I would hug Teddy, and it would instantly make me feel better. It’s funny how a simple toy can become such an important part of a child’s emotional world.

Moreover, Teddy was involved in almost every aspect of my childhood. I would take it with me everywhere I went, whether it was to visit relatives, on family vacations, or even just to the park. It was like a best friend who was always there, no matter what. I even remember creating little stories and adventures for Teddy, which kept me entertained for hours.

In addition, Teddy was a toy that connected me with my grandmother. She used to tell me stories about how she picked it out just for me, and she would sometimes sew little clothes for it. This added a personal touch and made the toy even more special to me.

As I grew older, I eventually outgrew the need to carry Teddy around all the time, but I still keep it in a safe place as a reminder of those carefree days of childhood. Looking back, Teddy wasn’t just a toy—it was a source of comfort, creativity, and connection to my family. It’s a piece of my childhood that I’ll always cherish.

Xem thêm: IELTS Speaking Topic Tell About Childhood – Vocabulary + Sample

Từ vựng:

Đề thi và câu trả lời mẫu topic IELTS Speaking topic Toys Part 3

Trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 Toys, bạn sẽ được yêu cầu thảo luận về những vấn đề rộng hơn liên quan đến đồ chơi, chẳng hạn như vai trò của đồ chơi trong sự phát triển của trẻ em hay sự thay đổi trong cách trẻ em tiếp cận đồ chơi theo thời gian. Do đó, đây là cơ hội để bạn thể hiện khả năng phân tích và lập luận của mình. Làm sao để bạn có thể trình bày quan điểm một cách thuyết phục và sâu sắc về chủ đề này? Những sample answer dưới đây sẽ giúp bạn khám phá cách tiếp cận thông minh, giúp bạn tự tin xử lý các câu hỏi phức tạp và ghi điểm cao trong phần thi này. Hãy cùng tìm hiểu và vận dụng vào quá trình luyện IELTS Online thật tốt nhé!

Model answer topic IELTS Speaking Part 3 Toys

Sample answer chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 3 Toys

Why do some parents buy a lot of toys for their children?

Parents often buy a lot of toys for their children because they want to see them happy and entertained. It can also be a way for parents to show love and provide for their kids, making sure they don’t feel deprived of anything. Sometimes, it’s also about keeping up with trends or responding to their children’s requests. However, it’s easy to get caught up in consumerism, where more toys are equated with better parenting.

Từ vựng:

Is there peer pressure among children to have the same toys or clothes as their friends?

Definitely, peer pressure plays a big role among children when it comes to toys and clothes. Kids often feel the need to fit in with their friends, so they might ask for the same toys or brands they see others have. This pressure can sometimes cause stress for both children and parents, especially when certain items are expensive or hard to find. It’s a part of growing up, but it can also lead to unnecessary competition and materialism.

Từ vựng:

Vocabulary materialism topic Toys

What is the difference between toys kids play with now and those they played with in the past?

Toys today are often more technologically advanced and interactive compared to those in the past. While older toys were simpler, like wooden blocks or dolls, modern toys might include digital elements, like educational tablets or robotic kits. There’s also a shift towards toys that promote STEM learning and creativity. However, the basic joy of play remains the same, even if the tools have evolved.

Từ vựng:

Vocabulary STEM learning topic Toys

Do you think boys and girls like the same toys?

Boys and girls can like the same toys, especially as societal norms about gender are becoming more flexible. While traditionally, toys were marketed separately, with boys’ toys focusing on action and building and girls’ toys on nurturing and creativity, these lines are blurring. Many children now enjoy a wide range of toys, regardless of gender. Ultimately, it depends on the individual child’s interests rather than their gender.

Từ vựng:

Have the toys for children changed over the last few decades?

Yes, toys have changed significantly over the last few decades. There’s been a shift from simple, manually-operated toys to more complex, technology-driven ones. We now see more educational toys that focus on developing specific skills, like coding or engineering, from a young age. Additionally, there’s a greater emphasis on sustainability, with more eco-friendly and ethically-produced toys becoming available.

Từ vựng:

Vocabulary technology-driven topic Toys

Do you think games and toys are educational for children?

Absolutely, many games and toys are educational and can greatly benefit children’s development. They can teach skills like problem-solving, creativity, and social interaction while also providing a fun experience. For example, puzzles improve cognitive abilities, while building sets like LEGO enhance fine motor skills and spatial awareness. The key is in choosing toys that are not only fun but also stimulate learning and growth.

Từ vựng:

Vocabulary spatial awareness topic Toys

Should advertising aimed at kids be prohibited?

It’s a tricky issue, but I believe advertising aimed at kids should be heavily regulated, if not prohibited. Children are impressionable and may not understand the persuasive intent behind advertisements, leading to unnecessary demands and consumption. Ads often create a desire for things they don’t need, putting pressure on parents and promoting materialism. Protecting children from excessive commercial influence is important for their overall well-being.

Từ vựng:

How do advertisements influence children?

Advertisements can have a strong influence on children by shaping their desires and perceptions of what’s “cool” or necessary. Kids are particularly vulnerable to catchy jingles, colorful visuals, and characters, which can make them want products they see in ads, whether they need them or not. This can lead to pestering parents for certain toys or brands and can also affect their self-esteem if they feel they need these items to fit in. It’s a powerful tool that can impact children’s behavior and expectations.

Từ vựng:

What should be considered when buying toys for children?

When buying toys for children, it’s important to consider safety, age appropriateness, and the toy’s potential for educational value. Toys should be durable, free from small parts that could be a choking hazard, and made from non-toxic materials. It’s also good to think about how a toy will contribute to a child’s development, whether it’s encouraging creativity, learning, or physical activity. Finally, choosing toys that align with a child’s interests and stage of development ensures they’ll actually enjoy and benefit from them.

Từ vựng:

Vocabulary choking hazard topic Toys

Do you see the fact that children are targeted by many companies as potential consumers spoil their childhood?

Yes, I do think targeting children as consumers can spoil aspects of their childhood. It can lead to materialism, where kids are more focused on what they own than on imaginative play or relationships. Constant exposure to marketing can also create unrealistic expectations and pressure to own the latest toys or gadgets. A childhood driven by consumerism can overshadow the simple joys of play and exploration, which are crucial for healthy development.

Xem thêm: Children IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, 3 Questions with Answers

Từ vựng:

Từ vựng thông dụng trong IELTS Speaking topic Toys

Khi nói về chủ đề Toys IELTS Speaking, từ vựng không chỉ là công cụ để diễn đạt mà còn là cách để bạn thổi hồn vào câu chuyện của mình. Bởi khi ấy bạn có thể làm sống lại những kỷ niệm tuổi thơ hay mở ra những góc nhìn mới về vai trò của đồ chơi trong cuộc sống. Phần dưới đây sẽ giới thiệu Topic Toys Vocabulary thông dụng và vô cùng sáng tạo, giúp bạn tạo dấu ấn riêng trong bài thi của mình. Hãy cùng khám phá và vận dụng vào bài nói của bạn ngay nhé!

Từ vựng IPA Loại từ Ý nghĩa Ví dụ
Pester /ˈpes.tər/ Động từ quấy rầy The kids keep pestering me for a new toy.
Lose track of /luːz træk əv/ Cụm từ quên mất He tends to lose track of time when playing games.
Indulge /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ Động từ nuông chiều She often indulges the children by buying them toys.
Time-consuming /taɪm kənˈsjuː.mɪŋ/ Tính từ mất thời gian The game is too time-consuming for me.
The cognitive development /ðə ˈkɒɡ.nɪ.tɪv dɪˈvɛl.əp.mənt/ Cụm từ sự phát triển nhận thức Educational toys boost cognitive development.
Detrimental to /ˌdet.rɪˈmen.təl tə/ Tính từ có hại đối với Too much screen time is detrimental to health.
Ecstatic /ɪkˈstæt.ɪk/ Tính từ cực kỳ vui sướng He was ecstatic with his new toy.
Spoiled /spɔɪld/ Tính từ hư hỏng She behaves like a spoiled child.
Topic Toys Vocabulary

Topic Toys Vocabulary IELTS Speaking

Luyện tập Speaking IELTS hiệu quả cùng Mc IELTS

Bạn có từng tự hỏi tại sao mình vẫn chưa đạt được band điểm Speaking IELTS như mong muốn dù đã nỗ lực luyện tập? Bạn có muốn biết cách luyện Speaking hiệu quả hơn mà không tốn quá nhiều thời gian và công sức? Tại Mc IELTS, chúng tôi cung cấp môi trường học tập lý tưởng với các phương pháp IELTS luyện thi đã được kiểm chứng, giúp bạn nhanh chóng cải thiện kỹ năng Speaking và đạt được kết quả như ý.

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Mc IELTS – Trung tâm dạy kèm Speaking 1-1 cùng cựu giáo viên chấm thi

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Ngoài ra, Mc IELTS còn cung cấp chương trình sửa bài Writing và Speaking miễn phí trong nhóm Facebook Học IELTS cùng cựu giám khảo. Tại đây, các bài viết của bạn sẽ được sửa một cách chi tiết và kỹ lưỡng, giúp bạn nhận ra và khắc phục những điểm yếu nhanh chóng.

Tham gia nhóm Facebook của Mc IELTS để được cựu giám khảo chấm chữa bài Speaking và Writing hoàn toàn miễn phí

Tham gia nhóm Facebook của Mc IELTS để được cựu giám khảo chấm chữa bài Speaking và Writing hoàn toàn miễn phí

Hy vọng rằng những câu hỏi và bài mẫu trong bài viết này đã giúp bạn cảm thấy sẵn sàng hơn khi đối diện với chủ đề IELTS Speaking Topic Toys Part 1, 2, 3. Nếu bạn đang muốn hoàn thiện kỹ năng nói của mình và đạt điểm số cao trong kỳ thi IELTS, hãy cân nhắc tham gia lộ trình học IELTS 6.5 tại Mc IELTS. Tại đây, bạn sẽ được hướng dẫn bởi những chuyên gia hàng đầu, giúp bạn phát triển kỹ năng ngôn ngữ một cách toàn diện và hiệu quả. Đừng chần chừ, hãy bắt đầu hành trình chinh phục IELTS của bạn ngay hôm nay!

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