IELTS Speaking Topic Tell About Childhood – Vocabulary + Sample

“Tell about childhood” là một trong những dạng Topic khá quen thuộc và xuất hiện khá nhiều ở bài thi IELTS Speaking. Hầu hết học viên đều cho rằng đây là một chủ đề “dễ xơi” nên thường không chú trọng ôn luyện những câu hỏi thuộc lĩnh vực này. Tuy nhiên, khi khai thác sâu vào trọng tâm, chủ đề này sẽ mở ra khá nhiều câu hỏi khó, đòi hỏi thí sinh phải có vốn từ vựng đủ rộng, triển khai ý phù hợp. Nhằm giúp bạn ôn luyện tốt hơn, đội ngũ học thuật của Trung tâm Anh ngữ Mc IELTS chia sẻ đến bạn những câu hỏi và bài mẫu tham khảo thường xuất hiện trong chủ đề này.

IELTS speaking part 1 childhood questions with answers

Ở phần Tell about childhood IELTS Part 1, thí sinh sẽ thường gặp những câu hỏi khá đơn giản, quen thuộc. Vậy cách trả lời những dạng câu hỏi childhood question in IELTS Part 1, hãy tham khảo các bài mẫu dưới đây của Mc IELTS để luyện thi IELTS đạt hiệu quả hơn. 

IELTS speaking part 1 childhood questions with answers

Childhood IELTS speaking part 1

Did you enjoy your childhood?

Câu hỏi: Did you enjoy your childhood?

Bài mẫu: 

I think I experienced a carefree period being the youngest in my family. Though my memories of childhood are a bit hazy, what I do recall usually involves serene afternoons spent reading on the balcony or having playful escapades with my brother in the supermarket. Looking back, I can confidently say it was a time filled with joy and laughter.

Từ vựng: 

What was your childhood dream?

Câu hỏi: What was your childhood dream?

Bài mẫu: 

During my childhood, my dream was to become a doctor. The intricacies of the human body and the prospect of aiding those in need during times of illness or injury captivated me. Although my interests evolved as I matured, my admiration for individuals in the medical field remains steadfast.

Từ vựng: 

What did you often do in your childhood?

Câu hỏi: What did you often do in your childhood?

Bài mẫu: 

When I was a child, there was just a single playground in our neighborhood, conveniently located within a 10-minute walk from my home. During the week, the playground was our go-to spot for games of hopscotch and hide-and-seek with my friends. However, weekends were reserved for indoor activities, like playing chess and solving jigsaw puzzles with my brother and cousins in our room.

Từ vựng:

Who had the most influence on you in your childhood?

Câu hỏi: Who had the most influence on you in your childhood?

Bài mẫu:

That person was indeed my grandfather, with whom I spent a lot of time during my primary and secondary school years. He imparted invaluable lessons about life and etiquette, shaping my understanding of the world. Unfortunately, he passed away when I was 15, but his memory remains vivid in my mind.

Từ vựng:

Xem thêm: Luyện Speaking IELTS Part 1, 2, 3 theo chủ đề hiệu quả tại nhà

Topic Tell about childhood IELTS Speaking Part 2

Ở phần IELTS Speaking on childhood Part 2, những câu hỏi thường xuất hiện đối với chủ đề “Tell about Childhood” bao gồm:

  • Describe a childhood memory IELTS speaking
  • Describe a friend from your childhood IELTS speaking
  • Describe a toy you liked in your childhood IELTS speaking
  • Describe a game you played in your childhood IELTS speaking
  • Describe a happy childhood event IELTS speaking

Trong phần nội dung dưới đây, Trung tâm dạy IELTS tốt nhất TPHCM Mc IELTS sẽ hướng dẫn bạn giải quyết đề bài “Describe a happy childhood memory” và cung cấp danh sách những từ vựng quan trọng ở bài mẫu dưới đây, nhằm giúp bạn ôn thi IELTS hiệu quả hơn.

Topic Tell about childhood IELTS Speaking Task 2

Sample childhood IELTS speaking part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2 childhood memory

Câu hỏi: 

Describe a happy childhood memory

You should say:

  • Where and when the incident you remember happened
  • Who stayed with you
  • What happened to you
  • Explain why it is a happy memory to you 

Bài mẫu: 

This question brings back a bunch of memories, but the one that really stands out is the day I learned to ride a bike. I was just a little kid, maybe 6 years old, and my parents were totally swamped with work. So they decided to teach me how to ride so I could bike to school when I started first grade.

It was a beautiful sunny Sunday, the birds were singing, and we headed over to the park near our house. There it was, this brand new, shiny pink bike my parents had gotten me for my birthday. I was a bit nervous to get on at first because I’d never ridden without training wheels before. But my dad told me to just sit on it and coast without pedaling while he held onto the back. After a few tries, I got the hang of the sensation and figured out how to balance.

Then, all of a sudden, I realized he had let go! Of course, I immediately stumbled and crashed right into a tree. I was a little bruised and battered, but I didn’t give up. I kept trying, and after about two hours of falling and getting back up again, I finally conquered that bike! My parents were so happy for me, they were clapping and cheering. It made me feel like I’d won the Olympics or something!

Learning to ride a bike is a big deal for a lot of kids, and I’m so glad I got to share that awesome experience with my parents.

Vocabulary IELTS childhood Speaking Part 2

Topic Tell about childhood IELTS Speaking Part 3

Nếu Part 1 là những dạng câu hỏi quen thuộc thì ở phần Childhood IELTS Speaking Part 3, thí sinh sẽ được hỏi về ý kiến, nhận định riêng của bản thân về chủ đề “Tell about childhood”. Những câu hỏi ở phần này thường bắt đầu bởi “Do you think…” hoặc “What’s your opinion about…”. Hãy cùng tham khảo để quá trình học IELTS Speaking Online đạt hiệu quả hơn.

Topic Tell about childhood IELTS Speaking Part 3

Sample childhood IELTS speaking part 3

Do you think childhood is very important for the growth of one person?

Câu hỏi: Do you think childhood is very important for the growth of one person?

Bài mẫu: 

I think childhood represents a critical period during which an individual shapes their personality and potential career path. Over the span of roughly the initial ten years of life, a person absorbs knowledge about their environment and develops social skills. Parental or educational missteps during these formative years can have a profound and lasting impact on a child’s future. Also, childhood activities and education serve as avenues for discovering passions and talents. As a result, childhood plays a pivotal role in determining career aspirations and nurturing the innate abilities of children.

Từ vựng:

How do the lives of children today differ from those in the past?

Câu hỏi: How do the lives of children today differ from those in the past?

Bài mẫu: 

Honestly, there’s a stark contrast between the lives of children today compared to those of the past. Years ago, children didn’t have to learn numerous subjects or attend extra classes, allowing them more freetime to enjoy their childhood through traditional games and outdoor activities. However, nowadays, parents are inclined to push their children to excel in a multitude of skills, fearing they’ll lag behind otherwise. Regrettably, this unintentionally places a heavy burden on children, leading to stress and procrastination.

Từ vựng:

Vocabulary procrastination topic Tell about childhood

Do you think many people usually idealize their childhood?

Câu hỏi: Do you think many people usually idealize their childhood?

Bài mẫu:

It’s definitely a complicated issue. A lot of folks look back on their childhood with nostalgia, remembering simpler times when adult problems seemed so distant. They cherish the innocence and carefree fun they had. But some people had tough childhoods, with painful memories of loneliness or hardship. Their view is probably way more pessimistic. It seems like these days, people are either idealizing childhood or focusing on the negative side, and that just shows how complex it really is.

Từ vựng:

Do you believe that it is better for children to grow up in the countryside or a city?

Câu hỏi: Do you believe that it is better for children to grow up in the countryside or a city?

Bài mẫu:

While it’s true city life has its drawbacks like traffic and less green space, I think it’s great for kids, especially socially. They’re exposed to so many different people and cultures, with ample chances to interact and improve their social skills. Cities usually have better schools and activities too, which are key for their future prospects. Sure, rural areas have perks like nature and more family time, but the general consensus seems to be that education and social stuff are more important these days, which makes city living a better fit for lots of families.

Từ vựng:

Trên đây là những hướng dẫn của Mc IELTS để trả lời cho các câu hỏi IELTS Speaking topic Tell about childhood. Hy vọng với những bài tham khảo và từ vựng quan trọng trên, bạn sẽ có thêm những kiến thức và kinh nghiệm mới khi gặp dạng chủ đề này. ĐĂNG KÝ NGAY khóa học luyện thi IELTS Online tại trung tâm Mc IELTS để nhận được lộ trình học chi tiết với đội ngũ giảng viên bản xứ và giáo trình chuyên biệt.

Mc IELTS - Trung tâm dạy kèm Speaking 1-1 cùng cựu giáo viên chấm thi

Mc IELTS – Trung tâm dạy kèm Speaking 1-1 cùng cựu giáo viên chấm thi

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