Từ vựng, bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2 & 3 – Topic: IELTS Gifts

IELTS Gifts là một trong những chủ đề khá thú vị và thường xuất hiện ở phần Speaking trong các kỳ thi IELTS. Tiếp nối chuỗi bài viết chia sẻ về kiến thức và kinh nghiệm luyện thi IELTS, hôm nay Anh ngữ Mc IELTS sẽ giới thiệu đến bạn những bài mẫu kèm với hệ thống từ vựng ghi điểm về chủ đề IELTS Gifts, giúp bạn hoàn thành tốt nhất phần thi này.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Gift

Topic Gift IELTS Speaking Part 1 sẽ bao gồm những câu hỏi khá đơn giản, giúp bạn có cái nhìn tổng quan và sơ lược về chủ đề này. Dưới đây là những câu hỏi và bài mẫu về phần Speaking IELTS gift Part 1 mà bạn có thể tham khảo để cải thiện và nâng cao kiến thức học IELTS, kỹ năng của mình và chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kỳ thi thật.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Gift

Giving gifts IELTS Speaking Part 1

Have you ever sent any handmade presents to others? 

Câu hỏi về handmade gift IELTS Speaking: Have you ever sent any handmade presents to others?

Bài mẫu: 

Oh, definitely! I love making handmade gifts – things like cards, jewelry, little art pieces. It’s so much fun to create something myself and then share it with people I care about. It’s a great way to demonstrate that I put time and effort into making something special, just for them

Từ vựng:

How to choose a gift?

Câu hỏi: How to choose a gift?

Bài mẫu:

For special occasions like birthdays, I always try to figure out what the person is into and find a gift that aligns with that. It’s so much nicer to give something you know they’ll actually like and use, right? Plus, I try to be mindful of my budget – no one wants to overspend and end up in a tough spot.

Từ vựng:

How do you feel when you receive a gift?

Câu hỏi: How do you feel when you receive a gift?

Bài mẫu:

Honestly, when someone gives me a gift, especially for a big event, I feel so much gratitude. It’s just the best feeling opening it up and realizing someone put thought into picking something out for me. That gift becomes like a special memento – it reminds me of the occasion and the person who gave it to me. It’s a really touching moment, and it makes me feel super thankful

Từ vựng:

Do you like giving expensive gifts?

Câu hỏi: Do you like giving expensive gifts? 

Bài mẫu:

Sure, it can be fun to give someone a really expensive gift on a special occasion, but for me, it’s not really about the price. It’s the sentiment and thought behind the gift that really counts. Sometimes, a small gesture can mean just as much, if not more, than a lavish present. Besides, it’s always a good idea to be mindful of your budget and give something you can actually afford.

Từ vựng:

IELTS Speaking about gift Part 2

Tiếp theo, ở phần IELTS talk about gift Part 2, thí sinh sẽ được giám khảo cung cấp câu hỏi và có thời gian 1 phút để chuẩn bị câu trả lời phù hợp nhất. Dưới đây là bài mẫu tham khảo giúp bạn học IELTS Speaking Online đạt hiệu quả và ghi điểm cao khi gặp Topic gift IELTS Speaking Part 2.

IELTS Speaking about gift Part 2

Topic IELTS Gifts Part 2 Speaking

Câu hỏi và bài mẫu

Một trong những câu hỏi khá phổ biến ở phần IELTS Gifts Speaking Part 2 đó là:

Describe a recent gift that you have given to others

You should say:

  • When it happened
  • Who you gave the gift to
  • What sorts of think you gave to that person
  • Explain why you chose to give this gift

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking on gift Part 2:

My sister and I have always had a strong bond, you know? So last year for her 19th birthday, I knew I had to get her something special. See, our family usually just buys baked goods from the store, but my sister had been trying her hand at baking for a few months. She didn’t have the right tools though, and I could totally sense her frustration when she had to make do with whatever she could find to try out new recipes.

I realized how much she loved it, and how much potential she had, so I got her a professional mixer she’d been eyeing, along with a full set of kitchen utensils. I was so eager for her to open them! I knew she’d be absolutely thrilled to try out all sorts of new recipes with her fancy new tools. And she was! Her eyes lit up when she unwrapped the gifts, and she even had tears of happiness – it was the sweetest thing.

It’s been a year now, and it’s been amazing to see how much this gift has changed things for her. She got so good at baking that she even started a little bakery business from home! I’m so proud of her newfound confidence and excited to see where this passion takes her.

Từ vựng IELTS speaking part 2 topic gift

Dưới đây là những phân tích chi tiết về Topic Gift IELTS vocabulary Speaking Part 2 theo bài mẫu trên:

IELTS speaking part 3 questions on gifts

Ở Part 3 IELTS Gifts Speaking Test, bạn cũng sẽ được giám khảo đặt những câu hỏi liên quan đến chủ đề với cấu trúc tương tự như IELTS questions about gift Part 1 nhưng với mức độ khó và chuyên sâu được nâng cao hơn. Dưới đây là những bài mẫu tham khảo về IELTS Speaking question about gift Part 3 mà bạn có thể áp dụng trong khi luyện IELTS Speaking.

IELTS speaking part 3 questions on gifts

IELTS Speaking Part 3 gifts

In your country, on what occasions do people give gifts to others?

Câu hỏi: In your country, on what occasions do people give gifts to others?

Bài mẫu:

In my country, we have a bunch of occasions where giving gifts is just customary. You know, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, housewarmings, holidays like Christmas or Easter – it’s kind of expected. And for big holidays, yeah, we definitely exchange gifts, but it doesn’t have to be anything super fancy. Oh, and since I travel a lot, I always try to bring back little souvenirs for my family and friends. It’s a nice way to share a bit of what I’ve experienced.

Từ vựng:

What kinds of things do they send?

Câu hỏi: What kinds of things do they send?

Bài mẫu:

Gifts can be anything really, from small to super fancy, depending on what you’re celebrating. For birthdays, people usually try to find something meaningful or reminiscent of things they’ve done together. And for Valentine’s Day or anniversaries, it’s often flowers or chocolates, but sometimes people go all out with extravagant gifts like jewelry or even weekend trips!

Từ vựng:

Do you think that people today still give the same sorts of things that people used to give in the past?

Câu hỏi: Do you think that people today still give the same sorts of things that people used to give in the past?

Bài mẫu:

You know, I haven’t really thought about it much before, but I guess the kinds of things we give as gifts don’t change that much. We kinda stick with what we know, right? But what has changed is the sheer amount of stuff we can buy and how we shop for it. With globalization, we have so many options from all over the world, and online shopping has simplified the process of getting whatever we want without having to step foot in a store.

Từ vựng:

Is it suitable to give money as a gift?

Câu hỏi: Is it suitable to give money as a gift?

Bài mẫu:

It’s not the warmest way to show you care, but it can be really practical, especially when money’s constraints are an issue or you just want to be smart about spending. I mean, think about it, the recipient can use that cash for something they actually need or have been wanting, right? So yeah, it’s a safe bet for those crucial days like birthdays or weddings.

Từ vựng:

Why do people love to receive gifts?

Câu hỏi: Why do people love to receive gifts?

Bài mẫu:

Gifts are great for celebrating special moments or just making someone smile, and that’s pretty appealing to me. At the heart of it, they’re a way to show how much we care and our affection, which makes the person receiving it feel really special. Honestly, getting a gift makes me happy because it means someone actually put thought into it, either spending their money or time to pick something out for me. That makes me feel valued.

Từ vựng:

Trên đây là bài viết tổng hợp của Mc IELTS về những câu hỏi, bài mẫu và từ vựng phổ biến về chủ đề IELTS Gifts. Hy vọng thông qua đó, bạn sẽ có thêm những kiến thức mới để nâng cao kinh nghiệm của mình, đạt được điểm cao trong kỳ thi IELTS. Nếu bạn có nhu cầu ôn IELTS, đặc biệt là phần IELTS Speaking, hãy ĐĂNG KÝ NGAY khóa học tại Mc IELTS để có được lộ trình học tập và luyện thi IELTS hiệu quả nhất.

Luyện kỹ năng nói cùng cựu giáo viên chấm thi IELTS

Luyện kỹ năng nói cùng cựu giáo viên chấm thi IELTS

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