IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3: A Long Wait for Something Nice

IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3: A Long Wait for Something Nice
Hướng dẫn trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 2 (Part 2 Answer Guide)
An occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing
You should say:
Answer 1
I’d like to talk about a time when I waited quite a while for something I really wanted. This happened last year when I was eagerly awaiting the release of a new smartphone. As a tech enthusiast, I had been following the updates about this phone for months, and it was finally going to be released in September.
The nice thing I was waiting for was the latest model of a high-end smartphone, known for its advanced features and sleek design. I had been using my old phone for several years, and it was time for an upgrade. The wait was around six months from the time it was announced to the actual release date.
I waited because I wanted to ensure I got the exact model and specifications I desired. Plus, the anticipation of using the new technology and features was thrilling. During the wait, I kept researching and reading reviews to make sure my decision was sound.
When I finally got the phone, the feeling was exhilarating. The long wait made the experience of using the new phone even more satisfying. It had all the features I wanted, and the performance improvement over my old phone was remarkable. The wait was definitely worth it.
Giải nghĩa từ vựng:
Enthusiast (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Người hâm mộ, người say mê.
Example: She’s a fitness enthusiast who exercises daily.
Sleek (Adjective)
Định nghĩa: Bóng loáng, nhẵn bóng.
Example: The car’s sleek design made it very attractive.
Upgrade (Verb)
Định nghĩa: Nâng cấp, cải tiến.
Example: I decided to upgrade my computer for better performance.
Anticipation (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Sự trông chờ, mong đợi.
Example: The anticipation for the concert was building up.
Exhilarating (Adjective)
Định nghĩa: Sảng khoái, hứng khởi.
Example: The roller coaster ride was exhilarating.
Remarkable (Adjective)
Định nghĩa: Đáng chú ý, phi thường.
Example: The athlete’s comeback was truly remarkable.
Specifications (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Thông số kỹ thuật.
Example: The new model meets all the required specifications.
Performance (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Hiệu suất, hiệu năng.
Example: The performance of the new software is impressive.
Answer 2
Let me recount an occasion when patience really paid off for me. It was during my final year of university, and I was waiting for my graduation day. The nice thing I was looking forward to was the graduation ceremony, where I would receive my degree in front of my family and friends.
I had to wait for almost four years, the duration of my undergraduate course, for this moment. The wait seemed especially long because my university experience was filled with challenges and hard work. Graduation was not just a ceremony but a symbol of my dedication and achievement.
The reason for the lengthy wait was, of course, the need to complete my course successfully. Throughout my university years, I dreamt about the day I would walk across the stage and receive my degree. It represented the culmination of years of study and personal growth.
When graduation day finally arrived, I was overwhelmed with a mix of emotions. I felt proud, relieved, and excited all at once. The joy of achieving my degree, coupled with the recognition of my efforts, made the long wait incredibly worthwhile. It was a moment of triumph that I would always cherish.
Giải nghĩa từ vựng:
Patience (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Sự kiên nhẫn.
Example: Patience is essential when learning a new skill.
Ceremony (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Lễ, nghi thức.
Example: The award ceremony was held at the city hall.
Dedication (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Sự tận tâm, cống hiến.
Example: His dedication to his work is admirable.
Achievement (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Thành tựu, thành công.
Example: Completing the project was a major achievement.
Culmination (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Đỉnh cao, kết quả cuối cùng.
Example: The championship game was the culmination of a great season.
Personal growth (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Sự phát triển cá nhân.
Example: Travelling alone contributed to her personal growth.
Overwhelmed (Adjective)
Định nghĩa: Cảm thấy quá tải, không thể đối phó nổi.
Example: She was overwhelmed with joy when she heard the news.
Triumph (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Sự thắng lợi, chiến thắng.
Example: His victory in the competition was a personal triumph.
Hướng dẫn trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 3 (Part 3 Answer Guide)
On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?
Answer 1: People often find themselves waiting for a long time in situations like medical appointments, at government offices for processing documents, or in airports for flights, especially if there are delays. Long queues are common in places with high demand and limited resources or staff, such as popular restaurants, ticket counters for events, or during major sales in retail stores. Moreover, long waiting times can also occur in service sectors like banking or post offices, especially during peak hours or holiday seasons. Additionally, waiting is a frequent experience in theme parks or major tourist attractions, where the popularity of the site leads to large crowds.
Giải nghĩa từ vựng:
Medical appointment (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Các cuộc hẹn với bác sĩ hoặc chuyên gia y tế để kiểm tra sức khỏe hoặc điều trị.
Example: Patients often have to wait for a long time before medical appointments.
Government office (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Các văn phòng của chính phủ nơi cung cấp dịch vụ công và xử lý các thủ tục hành chính.
Example: Waiting times can be lengthy at government offices for document processing.
Queue (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Hàng người chờ đợi lần lượt để được phục vụ.
Example: Long queues are a common sight at popular events.
Peak hours (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Thời gian trong ngày có nhu cầu cao nhất đối với dịch vụ hoặc hoạt động.
Example: Waiting times are usually longer during peak hours due to increased demand.
Answer 2: Waiting for a long time is common in traffic jams, especially in big cities during peak hours. In the healthcare system, patients sometimes face long waiting periods for specialized treatments or surgeries. Additionally, people may experience long waits when seeking technical support or customer service, both in-person and over the phone. In educational settings, students and parents often wait for long durations during school admissions or registration processes. Similarly, waiting is a norm in judicial systems, where legal proceedings and court appointments can extend over lengthy periods.
Giải nghĩa từ vựng:
Traffic jams (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Tình trạng ùn tắc giao thông khi xe cộ di chuyển chậm hoặc dừng hẳn.
Example: Traffic jams are frequent during rush hour in metropolitan areas.
Specialized treatments (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Các phương pháp điều trị y tế chuyên biệt cho bệnh lý cụ thể.
Example: There can be long waiting times for specialized medical treatments.
Customer service (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Dịch vụ hỗ trợ khách hàng trong quá trình mua hàng hoặc sử dụng dịch vụ.
Example: Waiting on hold for customer service is a common experience.
Judicial system (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Hệ thống pháp luật và tòa án xử lý các vấn đề pháp lý.
Example: Long waiting times are often experienced in judicial systems for hearings and trials.
What do people do while waiting?
Answer 1: While waiting, many people engage in activities like reading, using their smartphones for browsing the internet, checking social media, or playing games. Some listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks. Waiting time is also often used for checking emails, making phone calls, or planning and organizing upcoming tasks. Additionally, waiting periods can be used for mindfulness or relaxation practices, like meditation or deep breathing exercises. For some, waiting is an opportunity for casual observation, watching people and the environment around them, which can be both interesting and relaxing.
Giải nghĩa từ vựng:
Browsing the internet (Verb Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Tìm kiếm và xem thông tin trực tuyến.
Example: Browsing the internet is a popular way to pass time while waiting.
Podcast (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Chương trình âm thanh được phát sóng trực tuyến hoặc tải xuống để nghe.
Example: Listening to podcasts can be both entertaining and informative.
Organizing upcoming tasks (Verb Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Sắp xếp hoặc lên kế hoạch cho công việc hoặc hoạt động sắp tới.
Example: Many people use waiting time to organize their upcoming tasks.
Casual observation (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Quan sát không chính thức hoặc không tập trung vào mục đích cụ thể.
Example: Engaging in casual observation is a common way to pass time while waiting.
Answer 2: Some people may engage in conversation with fellow waiters or use the time for reflection and daydreaming. In more formal settings, like waiting in a business lobby, individuals might review documents or prepare for meetings. Others prefer simply to sit and observe their surroundings, taking a moment of rest in their busy schedules. For those waiting in line at places like grocery stores or banks, the time might be used to organize wallets, checklists, or plan the rest of the day. In waiting rooms of hospitals or clinics, people often find themselves reading informational brochures or watching the news on television.
Giải nghĩa từ vựng:
Fellow waiters (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Những người khác cũng đang chờ đợi.
Example: Striking up a conversation with fellow waiters can make time pass more quickly.
Daydreaming (Verb)
Định nghĩa: Mơ mộng, suy nghĩ về những điều không liên quan đến hoàn cảnh hiện tại.
Example: Daydreaming is a common way to escape momentarily while waiting.
Business lobby (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Khu vực tiếp đón trong tòa nhà văn phòng hoặc doanh nghiệp.
Example: In a business lobby, people often prepare for their meetings while waiting.
Informational brochure (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Tài liệu cung cấp thông tin chi tiết về một chủ đề, sản phẩm, hoặc dịch vụ.
Example: Informational brochures in clinics provide valuable health-related information.
Are most people patient while waiting?
Answer 1: The level of patience people exhibit while waiting varies widely among individuals. It often depends on the context of the wait, the individual’s personality, and their current mood or state of mind. Some people are naturally more patient and can handle delays with calm and composure, viewing it as an opportunity to relax or catch up on other activities. Others might find creative ways to make waiting enjoyable, like striking up conversations or engaging in people-watching. However, certain circumstances, like waiting in an emergency or in extreme weather conditions, can test even the most patient individuals.
Giải nghĩa từ vựng:
Exhibit (Verb)
Định nghĩa: Hiển thị hoặc thể hiện một hành vi, cảm xúc, hoặc phẩm chất.
Example: People exhibit varying degrees of patience when waiting.
Composure (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Tình trạng bình tĩnh và tự chủ.
Example: Maintaining composure while waiting is a sign of patience.
Catch up (Verb Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Dành thời gian để hoàn thành công việc hoặc giao tiếp.
Example: Waiting offers a chance to catch up on reading or emails.
Answer 2: Some people may find waiting to be a source of frustration, especially if the delay is unexpected or impacts their plans. Factors like the perceived importance of the event, time sensitivity, and lack of control can contribute to impatience. In today’s fast-paced world, where instant gratification is common, patience during long waits can be particularly challenging for some. People in urgent situations or with tight schedules may find waiting to be particularly stressful. Cultural factors also play a role, as some cultures emphasize punctuality and efficiency more than others.
Giải nghĩa từ vựng:
Source of frustration (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Nguyên nhân gây ra sự phiền muộn hoặc bực bội.
Example: Unanticipated delays are often a source of frustration.
Time sensitivity (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Tính quan trọng của thời gian trong một tình huống cụ thể.
Example: Time sensitivity can make waiting more stressful.
Instant gratification (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Mong muốn được thỏa mãn ngay lập tức.
Example: The culture of instant gratification has impacted people’s patience levels.
Do you like to wait for a long time? Why?
Answer 1: Honestly, I’m not particularly fond of waiting for extended periods. Waiting often feels like a pause in productivity, which can be a bit frustrating, especially if I’m eager to get things done. However, I’ve found that it’s an inevitable part of life, and I try to use this time to catch up on reading or plan my day, making the wait more tolerable and even productive. Sometimes, I also use waiting as a chance to practice mindfulness or to simply take a break from the usual hustle, which can be surprisingly refreshing.
Giải nghĩa từ vựng:
Pause (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Dừng tạm thời hoạt động hoặc quá trình.
Example: I took a short pause in my work to gather my thoughts.
Productivity (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Hiệu suất hoặc hiệu quả trong việc hoàn thành công việc.
Example: Maximizing productivity is important in my daily routine.
Tolerable (Adjective)
Định nghĩa: Có thể chịu đựng được; không quá khó khăn hoặc không thoải mái.
Example: Making waiting tolerable is a skill I’ve learned over time.
Answer 2: To be honest, long waits are quite challenging for me. It’s primarily because I value time efficiency and prefer to be actively engaged in tasks. However, I do recognize that waiting is sometimes unavoidable, so I try to remain patient. During these times, I often resort to listening to music or podcasts, which makes the experience more enjoyable. I also find that planning ahead and keeping a flexible mindset helps in managing the stress of unexpected waits, allowing me to adapt more easily to such situations.`
Giải nghĩa từ vựng:
Efficiency (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Khả năng hoàn thành công việc một cách hiệu quả với ít lãng phí nhất.
Example: Efficiency in managing time is crucial for me.
Engaged (Adjective)
Định nghĩa: Đang tham gia hoạt động hoặc bận rộn với cái gì đó.
Example: I prefer being engaged in activities rather than waiting idly.
Resort (Verb)
Định nghĩa: Sử dụng phương án hoặc phương pháp nhất định, thường là khi không có lựa chọn khác.
Example: I often resort to listening to music during long waits.
Flexible mindset (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Tư duy linh hoạt và sẵn sàng thích nghi với thay đổi.
Example: Having a flexible mindset is beneficial in managing unforeseen delays
Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?
Answer 1: Most children struggle with waiting for long durations due to their developmental stage. They typically have a limited understanding of the concept of time and lack patience, which is a skill that develops gradually. Their natural inclination for immediate gratification makes it hard for them to understand the need to wait, resulting in restlessness and frustration during such periods. Additionally, young children are often driven by impulse and have not yet fully developed the ability to delay gratification or understand the benefits of waiting. Engaging distractions or activities can be helpful in making the wait more bearable for them.
Giải nghĩa từ vựng:
Developmental stage (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Giai đoạn phát triển của trẻ, liên quan đến sự tăng trưởng về thể chất và tinh thần.
Example: Patience is a skill that develops in later developmental stages.
Immediate gratification (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Sự thỏa mãn ngay lập tức mà không cần chờ đợi.
Example: Children’s desire for immediate gratification often makes waiting challenging.
Restlessness (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Tình trạng không yên, thường xuyên di chuyển hoặc thay đổi tư thế.
Example: Restlessness in children is evident when they are required to wait.
Impulse (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Hành động tự phát, thường không được suy nghĩ kỹ lưỡng.
Example: Young children often act on impulse, especially when they have to wait.
Answer 2: Children, especially young ones, find it difficult to wait due to their still-developing self-control and emotional regulation abilities. Their high energy levels and curiosity also contribute to their struggle with staying still or focused for long periods. For children, waiting can seem endless, and they often need engaging activities to help them manage the wait better. The concept of time is abstract for young children, and they may not fully comprehend how long a wait actually is. Therefore, providing a concrete timeline or visual aids like timers can sometimes help them understand and cope with the wait.
Giải nghĩa từ vựng:
Self-control (Noun)
Định nghĩa: Khả năng tự kiểm soát hành vi, cảm xúc hoặc mong muốn.
Example: Self-control in children is a skill that matures over time.
Emotional regulation (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Quá trình quản lý và điều chỉnh cảm xúc của bản thân.
Example: Emotional regulation is part of a child’s development.
Engaging activities (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Hoạt động hấp dẫn, thu hút sự chú ý và tham gia.
Example: Engaging activities are helpful in managing children’s waiting times.
Abstract concept (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Ý tưởng khó hiểu hoặc không dễ dàng nhìn thấy hoặc chạm vào.
Example: The concept of time is abstract for young children.
Do people queue consciously while waiting for the subway train?
Answer 1: In most cases, people queue consciously while waiting for the subway train, particularly in societies where queuing is part of the cultural norm. This behavior is driven by a collective understanding of fairness and order, ensuring a smooth and efficient boarding process. People recognize that orderly queuing is essential for managing large crowds and preventing chaos in such busy public spaces. Moreover, in many urban areas, the practice of queuing is reinforced through signage and designated areas, guiding people on how to wait properly and maintain order.
Giải nghĩa từ vựng:
Queue (Verb)
Định nghĩa: Đứng hoặc chờ đợi trong hàng theo thứ tự.
Example: People often queue at subway stations during rush hour.
Collective understanding (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Hiểu biết hoặc nhận thức chung của một nhóm hoặc cộng đồng.
Example: A collective understanding of queuing etiquette helps maintain order.
Boarding process (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Quá trình cho người hành khách lên tàu hoặc máy bay.
Example: An organized boarding process is crucial in public transport systems.
Reinforce (Verb)
Định nghĩa: Làm mạnh mẽ hoặc củng cố thêm một hành vi hoặc quan điểm.
Example: Queuing etiquette is often reinforced through public signage in subways.
Answer 2: The practice of queuing can vary widely depending on the cultural context and the specific environment. In some places, people might not queue as consciously, leading to more crowded and less organized boarding situations. Factors like the layout of the subway station, the frequency of trains, and the overall crowd management strategies also play a significant role in how people behave while waiting. In some cultures, queuing is less formal, and people may adopt a more casual approach to waiting, whereas in others, strict adherence to queuing norms is expected and enforced.
Giải nghĩa từ vựng:
Cultural context (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Bối cảnh văn hóa mà trong đó một hành vi hoặc quan điểm được diễn ra hoặc hiểu biết.
Example: Queuing behavior varies greatly in different cultural contexts.
Crowded (Adjective)
Định nghĩa: Chật chội, đông đúc người.
Example: Crowded stations can make queuing a challenge.
Crowd management (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Quản lý và điều phối đám đông trong một không gian công cộng.
Example: Effective crowd management is essential for subway systems.
Casual approach (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Phương thức thực hiện không chính thức hoặc ít nghiêm ngặt.
Example: A casual approach to queuing is seen in some cultural contexts.
Strict adherence (Noun Phrase)
Định nghĩa: Sự tuân thủ chặt chẽ và nghiêm túc đối với quy tắc hoặc chuẩn mực.
Example: Strict adherence to queuing norms is common in certain societies.
Tự tin chinh phục chủ đề “A Long Wait for Something Nice”

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