IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3: A Computer Problem You Faced

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3: A Computer Problem You Faced

Hướng dẫn trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 2 (Part 2 Answer Guide)

Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer

You should say:

  • When it happened
  • Where it happened
  • What the problem was
  • And explain how you solved the problem at last

Answer 1

I vividly recall a time when I faced a significant issue with my computer. This happened about a year ago while I was working on an important project. I was in my home office, deeply immersed in creating a presentation that I had to deliver the next day.

The problem began when my computer suddenly froze and then crashed, refusing to reboot. I felt a wave of panic, realizing that my presentation, which I had worked on for weeks, might be lost. The timing couldn’t have been worse, and I was worried about meeting my deadline.

To solve this issue, I first tried the basic troubleshooting steps, like attempting a hard reset, but to no avail. Realizing I needed professional help, I called a tech support service. Thankfully, they were able to guide me through a recovery process over the phone. It took a few tense hours, but eventually, my computer was back up and running, and to my relief, my presentation was intact.

This experience taught me the importance of regularly backing up my work. It was a stressful situation, but it pushed me to become more tech-savvy and prepared for such eventualities. Now, I make sure to keep my files backed up and my computer’s software updated to avoid similar problems in the future.


Giải nghĩa từ vựng:

Vividly (Adverb)

Định nghĩa: Một cách rõ ràng, sống động.

Example: She vividly described her childhood home.


Immersed (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Đắm chìm, mải mê.

Example: He was completely immersed in his book.


Froze (Verb)

Định nghĩa: ngừng hoạt động, không phản hồi.

Example: My computer screen froze and I couldn’t click anything.


Panic (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Cảm giác sợ hãi.

Example: She felt a sense of panic when she couldn’t find her passport.


Troubleshooting (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Quá trình xác định và giải quyết vấn đề kỹ thuật.

Example: Troubleshooting the issue took longer than expected.


Recovery (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Sự phục hồi, trở lại trạng thái bình thường.

Example: Data recovery software saved my lost files.


Tech-savvy (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Thông thạo về công nghệ, hiểu biết về máy móc và thiết bị điện tử.

Example: Being tech-savvy is essential in today’s digital world.


Backed up (Verb)

Định nghĩa: Lưu trữ dữ liệu ở một nơi an toàn để phòng trường hợp mất mát.

Example: I backed up all my photos to an external hard drive.


Answer 2

I remember a time when I encountered a frustrating computer problem. It was during my final year of university, and I was working on my thesis. This issue happened in my dorm room, a place where I spent countless hours researching and writing.

The problem was with my laptop’s hard drive. One day, it suddenly became corrupted, and I couldn’t access any of my files, including my thesis work. The thought of losing months of hard work was overwhelming, and I felt a sense of desperation. It was a critical moment, as my submission deadline was rapidly approaching.

To tackle this problem, I first attempted to recover the files myself using online tutorials, but quickly realized that the issue was beyond my technical skills. So, I sought professional help from a computer repair service. Thankfully, they were able to recover most of my data, including my thesis. It was a huge relief.

This experience was a real eye-opener for me. It taught me the importance of regularly backing up data, especially when working on significant projects. Since then, I have made it a habit to regularly save my work on external drives and cloud storage. This incident, while stressful, was a valuable lesson in data management and the importance of being prepared for technological mishaps.


Giải nghĩa từ vựng:


Frustrating (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Gây cảm giác thất vọng hoặc bực bội.

Example: It was frustrating to deal with the computer error.


Corrupted (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Bị hỏng hoặc bị lỗi.

Example: The file on the USB was corrupted and couldn’t be opened.


Overwhelming (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Quá sức chịu đựng, mạnh mẽ đến mức khó kiểm soát.

Example: The thought of losing all her work was overwhelming.


Desperation (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Sự tuyệt vọng.

Example: In desperation, he called for professional help.


Tutorials (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Các hướng dẫn chi tiết, thường là về một chủ đề cụ thể.

Example: I watched several tutorials to improve my software skills.


Professional (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Có sự chuyên nghiệp, có kỹ năng.

Example: Seeking professional advice was the best decision.


Data (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Thông tin, đặc biệt là thông tin được xử lý bởi máy tính.

Example: My data was successfully recovered from the damaged hard drive.


Cloud storage (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Dịch vụ lưu trữ dữ liệu trên internet thay vì máy tính cá nhân.

Example: I use cloud storage to back up my important documents.

Hướng dẫn trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 3 (Part 3 Answer Guide)

Why do people often have problems when using new products?

Answer 1: People often encounter difficulties with new products primarily due to unfamiliarity. When a product introduces innovative features or complex technology, it can be quite challenging for users to adapt quickly. This is particularly true for older generations who might not be as tech-savvy. Additionally, sometimes the lack of clear instructions or user-friendly design can make the experience more daunting. Therefore, the learning curve associated with new products can lead to initial problems.


Giải nghĩa từ vựng:


Unfamiliarity (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Sự không quen thuộc hoặc không biết về cái gì đó.

Example: His unfamiliarity with the city made it difficult to find the hotel.


Innovative (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Có tính sáng tạo và mới lạ.

Example: The company is known for its innovative approach to design.


Tech-savvy (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Có kiến thức hoặc kỹ năng về công nghệ hiện đại.

Example: Younger generations are usually more tech-savvy.


Daunting (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Làm cho ai đó sợ hãi hoặc lo lắng.

Example: The task seemed daunting at first, but he managed to complete it.


Answer 2: I would say that people struggle with new products due to the pace of technological advancement. As technology evolves rapidly, keeping up with the latest trends and understanding new functionalities can be overwhelming. This is exacerbated when manufacturers prioritize innovation over user experience, leading to overly complicated products. Furthermore, some individuals may resist change, preferring familiar and traditional methods, which adds to the difficulty in embracing new products.


Giải nghĩa từ vựng:


Pace (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Tốc độ hoặc mức độ tiến triển của một cái gì đó.

Example: The pace of technological change can be overwhelming.


Functionality (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Mục đích hoặc sử dụng mà một sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ cung cấp.

Example: The new app has a wide range of functionalities.


Overwhelming (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Quá lớn, khó khăn hoặc mạnh mẽ đến mức khó xử lý hoặc đối phó.

Example: She felt overwhelmed by the amount of work.


Resist (Verb)

Định nghĩa: Kháng cự hoặc không chấp nhận thay đổi hoặc ý kiến ​​mới.

Example: Some people resist change because they prefer familiarity.


How do people use digital devices to help them with their studies?

Answer 1: Digital devices have become indispensable tools in modern education. Students use them for a variety of purposes, such as accessing educational resources online, including e-books, scholarly articles, and instructional videos. They also utilize educational apps and software for interactive learning experiences. Moreover, digital devices facilitate efficient organization and management of study materials, allowing students to take notes, create schedules, and set reminders for assignments and exams.


Giải nghĩa từ vựng:


Indispensable (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Cần thiết hoặc không thể thiếu.

Example: The internet has become an indispensable part of our daily lives.


Interactive (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Cho phép hai chiều thông tin và phản hồi.

Example: The museum’s interactive exhibits engage visitors of all ages.


Facilitate (Verb)

Định nghĩa: Làm cho một quá trình hoặc hoạt động dễ dàng hơn.

Example: The new software facilitates data management for businesses.


Organization (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Sự sắp xếp hoặc bố trí một cách có hệ thống.

Example: Good organization is key to effective study habits.


Answer 2: Digital devices support collaboration and communication among students and educators. Platforms like educational forums, online group chats, and video conferencing tools enable students to participate in group discussions, projects, and virtual classrooms. This not only promotes peer interaction but also allows for a more flexible and accessible learning environment. Furthermore, digital tools provide personalized learning opportunities, adapting to individual learning styles and needs.


Giải nghĩa từ vựng:


Collaboration (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Sự làm việc cùng nhau để tạo ra hoặc đạt được cái gì đó.

Example: The project was a result of collaboration between several departments.


Communication (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Quá trình trao đổi thông tin hoặc ý tưởng.

Example: Effective communication is essential in team management.


Accessible (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Có thể tiếp cận được hoặc dễ dàng sử dụng.

Example: The website is designed to be accessible to all users.


Personalized (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Được điều chỉnh để phù hợp với nhu cầu hoặc sở thích cá nhân.

Example: The app offers personalized workout plans for its users.


Do people spend too much time looking at digital screens? Why?

Answer 1: Indeed, in today’s digital age, it’s common for people to spend excessive time in front of screens. This trend is driven by the integral role of digital devices in work, education, and leisure. Many jobs require prolonged use of computers, while smartphones and tablets are often used for social media, entertainment, and communication. This constant screen exposure can lead to health issues like eye strain, sleep disturbances, and reduced physical activity, indicating a need for more balanced screen time.


Giải nghĩa từ vựng:


Excessive (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Quá mức, quá nhiều.

Example: Excessive screen time can affect your health negatively.


Integral (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Cần thiết và quan trọng.

Example: Computers are an integral part of modern workplaces.


Eye strain (Noun phrase)

Định nghĩa: Mệt mỏi hoặc đau mắt do sử dụng mắt quá mức.

Example: Reading in low light can cause eye strain.


Balanced (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Cân đối, hợp lý hoặc công bằng.

Example: A balanced diet is essential for good health.


Answer 2: Digital screens offer numerous benefits, which can justify their frequent use. For instance, screens are vital for accessing information, staying connected with others, and facilitating remote work and learning. However, the key lies in moderation and conscious usage. Setting boundaries, taking regular breaks, and engaging in off-screen activities are crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It’s about finding a balance between the digital and physical worlds. Encouraging activities that involve outdoor play, reading, arts, and sports can help mitigate the negative effects of prolonged screen time and promote a healthier, more active lifestyle.


Giải nghĩa từ vựng:


Justify (Verb)

Định nghĩa: Chứng minh hoặc giải thích lý do cho hành động hoặc quyết định.

Example: She justified her decision to relocate for her career.


Moderation (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Sự điều độ, không quá mức.

Example: Moderation in eating and drinking is advisable.


Conscious (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Ý thức được hoặc cố ý.

Example: She’s very conscious about her environmental impact.

Mitigate (Verb)

Định nghĩa: Làm giảm bớt hoặc làm dịu đi.

Example: Regular exercise can mitigate the effects of sedentary habits.


Do you think that parents should limit the time that their children spend using the mobile phones?

Answer 1: Yes, I strongly believe that it’s important for parents to set boundaries on their children’s mobile phone usage. One key reason is that excessive screen time can have a significant impact on a child’s physical and mental health. This can manifest in various ways, such as poor sleep quality, reduced physical activity, and potential delays in social skill development. Therefore, by limiting screen time, parents can effectively encourage more varied activities. Activities like outdoor play and reading are not just alternatives; they are crucial for a child’s holistic development.


Giải nghĩa từ vựng:


Holistic (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Có liên quan đến toàn bộ của cái gì đó, không chỉ là một phần.

Example: A holistic approach to education considers emotional and social development.


Development (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Quá trình phát triển hoặc mọc lên.

Example: Early childhood is a critical period for brain development.


Answer 2: While I agree that parental supervision is necessary, I also hold the belief that teaching children responsible usage, as opposed to strict limitations, is crucial. To elaborate, educating children about the potential risks and encouraging self-regulation can often prove to be more effective in the long run. Such an approach is instrumental in helping children develop a healthy relationship with technology, where they understand when and how to use mobile phones appropriately. It’s not just about setting rules; it’s about guiding them to use technology as a tool, not a distraction. Moreover, instilling principles of digital citizenship and the responsible use of technology from an early age can lay a solid foundation. This foundation is key for a healthier relationship with digital devices as children grow older.


Giải nghĩa từ vựng:


Supervision (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Sự giám sát hoặc quản lý hoạt động của người khác.

Example: Parental supervision is important for young children’s safety.


Responsible (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Có trách nhiệm và đáng tin cậy.

Example: Teaching children to be responsible users of technology is crucial.


Self-regulation (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Khả năng kiểm soát và quản lý hành vi, cảm xúc hoặc tư duy của bản thân.

Example: Self-regulation is an important skill for personal development.


Distraction (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Sự phân tâm hoặc làm giảm sự chú ý.

Example: Constant notifications on mobile phones can be a major distraction.


What do people do with mobile phones?

Answer 1: Mobile phones have evolved into multifunctional devices. People use them for communication, such as making calls, sending texts, and engaging in social media. They’re also widely used for entertainment purposes like playing games, streaming music, and watching videos. Furthermore, mobile phones serve as tools for information access and management, including browsing the internet, reading news, managing emails, and using various productivity apps. Besides these common uses, smartphones are increasingly becoming essential for personal security and emergency services, allowing users to quickly contact help or track their location, which adds to their importance in daily life..


Giải nghĩa từ vựng:


Multifunctional (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Có nhiều chức năng hoặc mục đích sử dụng.

Example: Multifunctional devices like smartphones are essential in our daily lives.


Streaming (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Sự truyền tải liên tục dữ liệu, đặc biệt là video và âm thanh, trên mạng.

Example: Streaming music and movies has become very popular.


Productivity (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Khả năng sản xuất hoặc hoàn thành công việc một cách hiệu quả.

Example: There are many mobile apps designed to increase productivity.


Browsing (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Sự xem lướt qua thông tin trên internet.

Example: I spend some time browsing the internet for news every morning.


Personal security (Noun Phrase)

Định nghĩa: An toàn cá nhân và sự bảo vệ từ những rủi ro hoặc nguy hiểm.

Example: Mobile phones play a crucial role in personal security through emergency calling features.


Answer 2: Apart from communication and entertainment, mobile phones serve numerous practical purposes. Primarily, they function as navigational tools with GPS services, act as digital wallets for financial transactions, and double as cameras for photography. Beyond these uses, people also rely on them for health and fitness tracking, educational learning, and as platforms for various business activities. In fact, the versatility of mobile phones makes them indispensable in everyday life. Furthermore, smartphones have evolved into tools for civic engagement and activism. They enable users to participate in social causes, stay informed about current events, and mobilize for community action. Consequently, they play a significant role in facilitating societal change.


Giải nghĩa từ vựng:


Navigational (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Liên quan đến việc định hướng hoặc tìm đường.

Example: Navigational apps have made traveling much easier.


Digital wallet (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Một ứng dụng di động cho phép thực hiện thanh toán điện tử.

Example: I use a digital wallet for most of my purchases.


Versatility (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Khả năng thích nghi hoặc có nhiều sử dụng khác nhau.

Example: The versatility of smartphones makes them a vital part of modern life.


Indispensable (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Cần thiết hoặc không thể thiếu.

Example: For many people, mobile phones have become an indispensable item.


What do you think of people who are addicted to using computers?

Answer 1: Computer addiction, like any other form of addiction, is a serious issue that should be addressed with empathy and understanding. It often stems from underlying issues such as stress, anxiety, or social isolation. People addicted to computer games might be seeking escapism or a sense of achievement they don’t find elsewhere. Recognizing and addressing the root causes, rather than just the symptoms, is crucial for effective help and support. In Vietnam, where technology use is on the rise, it’s crucial to raise awareness about excessive computer usage’s potential consequences, especially among the younger generation. Promoting healthier online and offline activities can help prevent computer addiction.


Giải nghĩa từ vựng:


Addiction (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Sự nghiện hoặc sự phụ thuộc mạnh mẽ vào cái gì đó.

Example: Computer addiction can have negative impacts on social life.


Empathy (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Khả năng hiểu và chia sẻ cảm xúc của người khác.

Example: Empathy is important in dealing with addiction issues.


Escapism (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Sự trốn tránh thực tế, đặc biệt là bằng cách tham gia vào các hoạt động giải trí.

Example: Some people use computer games as a form of escapism.


Root causes (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Nguyên nhân cơ bản hoặc chính yếu của vấn đề nào đó.

Example: Addressing the root causes of problems is more effective than tackling only the symptoms.


Answer 2: I think computer addiction represents a challenge in our digital age. It reflects the highly engaging and sometimes addictive nature of digital content. While playing computer games is a legitimate form of entertainment and relaxation, it becomes concerning when it interferes with daily life and responsibilities. Encouraging a balanced lifestyle, where digital entertainment does not overshadow other important aspects of life like physical activity, social interactions, and work, is key to preventing and addressing addiction. In the Vietnamese context, where family bonds are strong and outdoor activities are valued, striking a balance between screen time and real-life experiences is crucial for the well-being of individuals, especially the youth.


Giải nghĩa từ vựng:


Challenge (Noun)

Định nghĩa: Một vấn đề khó khăn cần giải quyết.

Example: Balancing work and personal life is a common challenge.


Legitimate (Adjective)

Định nghĩa: Hợp pháp, hợp lý, hoặc chấp nhận được.

Example: Using computers for relaxation is a legitimate use of technology.


Interfere (Verb)

Định nghĩa: Can thiệp vào hoặc gây trở ngại cho cái gì đó.

Example: Excessive gaming interferes with his studies.


Balanced lifestyle (Noun phrase)

Định nghĩa: Lối sống cân đối giữa công việc, giải trí, và các hoạt động khác.

Example: Maintaining a balanced lifestyle is important for well-being.

Tự tin chinh phục chủ đề “A Computer Problem You Faced”

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Qua những câu trả lời mẫu và từ vựng chi tiết trong bài viết này, Mc IELTS hy vọng rằng bạn đã có thêm kiến thức và sự tự tin để đối mặt với chủ đề A Computer Problem You Faced trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2&3.

Để đạt kết quả tốt nhất trong phần thi Speaking, hãy tham gia các khóa học tại Mc IELTS. Với đội ngũ giảng viên là những cựu giám khảo chấm thi IELTS, Mc IELTS sẽ giúp bạn nâng cao kỹ năng và tự tin chinh phục kỳ thi IELTS. ĐĂNG KÝ NGAY hôm nay để nhận được sự hỗ trợ tốt nhất và chuẩn bị vững chắc cho kỳ thi của bạn.

Đăng Ký Ngay

Tin tức liên quan

Bài viết chia sẻ hai bài mẫu cho Part 2 và Part 3 về cách mô tả một thành phố đẹp. Mỗi bài mẫu sẽ giúp bạn học cách sử dụng từ ngữ và cách triển khai ý tưởng hiệu quả.

Tác giả: Phong Tran

Bài viết này cung cấp hai bài mẫu cho cả Part 2 và Part 3 về một công viên hoặc khu vườn trong thành phố của bạn.

Tác giả: Phong Tran

Bài viết mang đến hai bài mẫu cho Part 2 và Part 3 về những thay đổi tích cực trong cuộc sống của bạn.

Tác giả: Phong Tran

Bài viết cung cấp hai bài mẫu cho cả Part 2 và Part 3, giúp bạn dễ dàng miêu tả một quy tắc quan trọng tại trường hoặc nơi làm việc.

Tác giả: Phong Tran

Bài viết cung cấp hai hướng trả lời cho đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 2 về một doanh nhân bạn ngưỡng mộ. Mỗi bài mẫu đều có audio đi kèm và giải thích từ vựng, giúp bạn nâng cao khả năng diễn đạt một cách tự nhiên và hiệu quả.

Tác giả: Phong Tran

Bài viết cung cấp hai bài mẫu cho đề "Describe a photo that makes you happy", kèm audio luyện nghe và giải thích từ vựng. Ngoài ra, bạn cũng sẽ tham khảo một số câu hỏi Part 3 liên quan đến chủ đề này.

Tác giả: Phong Tran

Nhận lộ trình IELTS TỐI ƯU theo yêu cầu
