Từ vựng chủ đề Sports cho IELTS Speaking

Trong phần Thi Speaking của IELTS, việc sử dụng một vốn từ vựng đa dạng có thể cải thiện đáng kể điểm số của bạn. Bài viết này tập trung vào từ vựng của chủ đề SPORTS. Thành thạo những từ này, định nghĩa của chúng và cách sử dụng chúng trong ngữ cảnh sẽ tăng band điểm cho bài nói của bạn. Bên cạnh đó, bài viết cũng sẽ cung cấp câu trả lời sample answers cho những câu hỏi Part 1,2,3 của chủ đề này.

Từ vựng chủ đề Sports cho IELTS Speaking

Vocabulary for Sports


  1. Agile (Adj.) – Có khả năng di chuyển nhanh nhẹn và dễ dàng.
    Example: “Gymnasts are incredibly agile; their movements are seamless.”
  2. Robust (Adj.) – Mạnh mẽ và khỏe khoắn.
    Example: “Rugby players have a robust physique suitable for the demands of their sport.”
  3. Strenuous (Adj.) – Đòi hỏi nhiều sức lực và nỗ lực.
    Example: “Marathons are strenuous; they test both your physical and mental endurance.”
  4. Competitive (Adj.) – Mong muốn giành chiến thắng trong các cuộc thi.
    Example: “Her competitive spirit shines during tennis matches.”
  5. Enduring (Adj.) – Có khả năng chịu đựng, bền bỉ qua thời gian.
    Example: “Enduring stamina is essential for long-distance swimmers.”
  6. Dynamic (Adj.) – Luôn thay đổi, đầy năng lượng và sức sống.
    Example: “Basketball requires dynamic movements and quick reflexes.”
  7. Vigorous (Adj.) – Mạnh mẽ, đầy sức sống và năng lượng.
    Example: “Boxing is a vigorous sport that demands a lot of physical strength.”
  8. Resilient (Adj.) – Có khả năng phục hồi nhanh chóng sau thất bại hoặc khó khăn.
    Example: “She showed her resilient nature by bouncing back from injury to win the championship.”
  9. Strategic (Adj.) – Liên quan đến việc xác định và thực hiện các kế hoạch hoặc phương pháp để đạt được mục tiêu.
    Example: “Football requires a strategic mind to outmaneuver the opponent.”
  10. Athletic (Adj.) – Có liên quan đến các môn thể thao, đặc biệt là về thể chất.
    Example: “He has an athletic build, perfect for track and field events.”


  1. Exceed (Verb) – Vượt qua, làm tốt hơn kỳ vọng.
    Example: “He aims to exceed his personal best in the next race.”
  2. Outperform (Verb) – Thể hiện tốt hơn so với người khác.
    Example: “She consistently outperforms her competitors in skiing.”
  3. Sustain (Verb) – Duy trì ở mức độ cao qua một khoảng thời gian dài.
    Example: “Athletes need to sustain their focus throughout the game.”
  4. Undertake (Verb) – Cam kết thực hiện một nhiệm vụ khó khăn.
    Example: “He undertook the challenge of climbing Mount Everest.”
  5. Dominate (Verb) – Kiểm soát hoặc có ảnh hưởng lớn lên.
    Example: “The team aims to dominate the league this season.”
  6. Accelerate (Verb) – Tăng tốc độ.
    Example: “She accelerates down the track with incredible speed.”
  7. Train (Verb) – Luyện tập để cải thiện kỹ năng hoặc sức khỏe.
    Example: “He trains every day to improve his swimming technique.”
  8. Compete (Verb) – Tham gia vào một cuộc thi hoặc tranh tài.
    Example: “Athletes from around the world compete in the Olympics.”
  9. Enhance (Verb) – Cải thiện hoặc tăng cường chất lượng, giá trị hoặc mức độ của.
    Example: “Regular exercise enhances physical fitness and overall health.”
  10. Recuperate (Verb) – Phục hồi sức khỏe hoặc sức mạnh sau khi bị thương hoặc mệt mỏi.
    Example: “The player is recuperating after a knee surgery.”


  1. Endurance (Noun) – Khả năng chịu đựng sức mạnh hoặc stress về thể chất hoặc tinh thần trong thời gian dài.
    Example: “Long-distance running tests your endurance to the limits.”
  2. Tenacity (Noun) – Sự kiên trì mạnh mẽ, không từ bỏ dù gặp khó khăn.
    Example: “Her tenacity on the tennis court is admired by many.”
  3. Momentum (Noun) – Đà hoặc lực đẩy giúp một thứ tiếp tục di chuyển hoặc phát triển nhanh hơn.
    Example: “The team gained momentum after scoring the first goal.”
  4. Strategy (Noun) – Kế hoạch tổng thể hoặc phương pháp được thiết kế để đạt được một mục tiêu cụ thể.
    Example: “Their strategy for winning the match involved controlling the midfield.”
  5. Agility (Noun) – Khả năng di chuyển nhanh nhẹn và dễ dàng.
    Example: “Agility training is crucial for soccer players.”
  6. Physique (Noun) – Hình dáng và kích thước cơ thể, đặc biệt là khi liên quan đến sức khỏe và sức mạnh.
    Example: “An athlete’s physique can greatly impact their performance in sports.”
  7. Stamina (Noun) – Sức chịu đựng, khả năng duy trì nỗ lực trong thời gian dài.
    Example: “Cyclists require immense stamina for long races.”
  8. Victory (Noun) – Sự thành công trong một cuộc thi hoặc trận đấu.
    Example: “The victory was celebrated by fans across the country.”
  9. Rivalry (Noun) – Sự cạnh tranh giữa hai bên, thường là vì mục tiêu tương tự hoặc vì danh dự.
    Example: “The rivalry between the two teams is intense and goes back years.”
  10. Sportsmanship (Noun) – Hành động công bằng, tôn trọng đối thủ và quy tắc của môn thể thao.
    Example: “He is known for his excellent sportsmanship on and off the field.”

Sample answer 

Part 1: Introduction & Interview

  1. What sports do you enjoy watching or playing?
    “I particularly enjoy watching football for its dynamic gameplay and playing badminton, which requires agility and quick reflexes. Football’s strategic depth and the robust athleticism of the players captivate me, while badminton enhances my own physical stamina and competitive spirit.”
  2. How often do you engage in sports activities?
    “I train in badminton three times a week to sustain my agility and improve my endurance. These sessions are quite strenuous but exhilarating, pushing me to exceed my previous performances. Watching football during the weekends complements my active lifestyle with strategic insights and relaxation.”
  3. Do you prefer individual or team sports, and why?
    “I have a slight preference for individual sports like badminton because they challenge me to rely on my own tenacity and resilience. The thrill of outperforming an opponent through personal skill and vigorous effort is truly exhilarating.”
  4. Is there a new sport you’d like to try? If so, what is it and why?
    “I’m intrigued by archery for its emphasis on precision and the serene focus it requires. It’s a sport that demands a unique blend of physical strength, enduring concentration, and finesse, qualities I admire and seek to develop further.”
  5. What role do sports play in your life?
    “Sports are an integral part of my life, offering a balanced mix of physical vitality and strategic thinking. Whether it’s mastering the agility required in badminton or analyzing football strategies, sports infuse my life with a sense of achievement and dynamic engagement.”

Part 2: Long Turn

Describe a memorable sports event you participated in or watched.

“One of the most memorable sports events I’ve had the pleasure of participating in was a regional badminton tournament. The competition was fierce, highlighting not just the physical agility required but also the mental tenacity and strategic planning of each participant. Badminton, with its dynamic and vigorous nature, demands a unique combination of endurance, precision, and resilience, qualities that were tested to their limits throughout the tournament.

During the final match, the atmosphere was electric, each point a testament to the months of strenuous training and dedication by the athletes. My opponent and I were well-matched, our rallies a breathtaking display of athleticism and competitive spirit. Ultimately, securing the victory after a particularly grueling exchange felt like an exhilarating culmination of all my efforts. This tournament was not just a display of physical prowess but a celebration of the enduring spirit of sportsmanship and the robust camaraderie amongst competitors. It underscored the importance of sustaining focus, leveraging strategic insights, and pushing beyond perceived limits, embodying the essence of sports at its zenith.”

Part 3: Discussion

  1. Why do you think sports are important for children’s development?
    “Sports are crucial for children’s development as they foster agility, resilience, and social skills. Participating in sports from a young age builds a robust foundation for teamwork, instills tenacity in overcoming obstacles, and enhances overall physical and mental well-being.”
  2. How can sports influence a person’s character?
    “Sports shape character through discipline, resilience, and competitive integrity. Athletes often demonstrate remarkable tenacity, recovering from setbacks with determination, and a relentless pursuit of excellence that can inspire individuals in all areas of life.”
  3. Do you believe professional athletes should be considered role models?
    “Absolutely, professional athletes, with their dedication and commitment to excellence, serve as powerful role models. Their journeys, marked by both victories and challenges, exemplify the virtues of resilience, strategic planning, and the pursuit of personal and team achievements.”
  4. What impact do international sports events have on global unity?
    “International sports events like the Olympics play a significant role in promoting global unity, showcasing the power of competition and cooperation across cultures. They highlight the enduring spirit of athleticism and the universal values of sportsmanship and respect.”
  5. In what ways have technology and innovation changed sports?
    “Technology and innovation have profoundly transformed sports, from enhancing training methods to improving fair play through instant replays. These advancements have not only elevated athlete performance but also enriched the spectator experience, making sports more engaging and accessible worldwide.”


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